Sunday, June 2, 2013

Integumentary System

Bianca Otarola
June 7th, 2013
6th period

The Integumentary System

        The integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, and nails. The skin is mainly the most important part of the integumentary system. It has a variety of functions, it can be waterproof, protect deeper tissues, get rid of waste, and regulate temperature, according to . There are many different type of integumentary systems - shells, hair/fur, skin, feathers, etc. 
        Shells are mainly for insects, and are made out of chitin, a protective, clear substance, usually for the skeletal system of exoskeletons ( Hair/fur are usually on mammals, and help with maintaining homeostasis and temperature, and protect their skin from intense, harsh weather (intense heat, intense cold). Skin helps maintain homeostasis and body temperature as well. It helps get rid of waste. The layers of skin are able to repair and fix themselves, and contain sensory devices that help monitor the environment and devices that rid the body of waste (Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Modern Biology.).
        The integumentary systems provides many adavantages. For shells, organisms are provided a lot of protection. They have a hard protective layer, and predators can't harm them as easily. Hair/fur help maintain homeostasis and body temperature, and protect skin from harsh weather. Skin gets rid of waste, water, and can repair itself easily. Feathers are made of keratin and are used for flying, maintaining temperature and homeostasis, and camouflage.
        Shells can be very heavy and it can take a lot of energy for an organism to move around in them. The shell can easily slow them down ( For hair/fur, bugs such as lice or fleas/ticks can stick to them, and give the organism a kind of infection or disease. Skin doesn't contain a lot of hair, so organisms can get really cold really fast, and if they get too cold, their homeostasis can easily get thrown off, making it difficult for them to survive. A disadvantage for containing feathers would be the same as hair/fur, any kind of bug can stick to them and give a disease or infection.

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