Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Skeletal System

Bianca Otarola
June 7th, 2013
6th period

The Skeletal System

        The skeletal system is all of the bones in an organism's body. It provides a stong framework that holds up the body and maintains its shape; it protects internal organs, and provides a structure for muscles to attach to. There are three types of skeletal systems: hydrostatic, endoskeleton, and exoskeleton. A hydrostatic skeleton is a structure containing mainly of only water and muscles. An endoskeleton is an internal supporting skeleton, and an exoskeleton is an external skeleton that protects and supports an animals body.
        There are many advantages of having a skeletal system. For an exoskeleton, there's a lot of protection provided. It protects internal organs and makes it difficult for predators to attack. For an endoskeleton, the internal organs are protected very well, and they're not easy to damage ( . The endoskeleton is made of bone, and muscles are what attach to bone, they're the main structure for movement. It also provides support for a body, and without it, the organism would have no shape, or even be able to stand. For example, a rat has an endoskeleton, and an earthworm does not. A rat can walk, or even stand on its hind legs. Earthworms can't do anything except slither from place to place. They have a hydrostatic skeleton, which means that their body only really contains a fluid that contains water. A crayfish has an exoskeleton, and can easily stay very well protected.  
        A disadvantage of having a hydrostatic skeletal system would be the amount of protection the organism has. With a hydrostatic skeleton, there's nothing really protecting the internal organs, so if they get injured, they can easily puncture an organ needed for survival. A disadvantage for an endoskeleton would be how there isn't any external protection provided. For an exoskeleton, it's more difficult for them to regulate body temperature, and the exoskeleton limits the size of the organism ( .

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